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HEIMDALL -- God of Perception

Aliases: None

Born from nine mothers of the sea, Heimdall is in- credibly fair. A dutiful God with gold teeth, sight beyond sight, and keen hearing, he guards the Bifröst bridge with senses that can hear the grass grow on all the Nine Worlds. He turned Thor away, forcing the God to wade in the rivers under the bridge. Heimdall carries the Gjallarhorn, so that he may alert the Gods of intruding forces. When he has the time, he’s fond of drinking mead in his home, Himinbiörg. Heimdall is destined to die at the hands of Loki, but he is also destined to destroy Loki simultaneously, proving that he is the only God that can pierce Loki’s tricks. Knowing this destiny, he does not pay much heed to the trickster.

As the Father of Mankind, Heimdall watches over his cre- ations with the same vigilant eyes as he does the abode of the Gods. Heimdall is seen as a tall and broad-shouldered man, with large ears that are often hidden under his long, dark hair. He speaks when it is necessary, and does not waste his time listening to useless drivel. He expects his Scions to be similarly direct and to the point. His Incarnations are as diverse as cybersecurity experts, investigative agents, soldiers in the bow- els of a submarine, or code-breakers (...or perhaps they’re not all that diverse). Heimdall sleeps less than a bird, and never seems to understand the necessity of keeping daytime hours.

Fortunately, most of his many Scions find that they can withstand 24-48 hours without sleep without requiring endless cups of caffeine to keep awake. Observant and with high stamina, Heimdall watches and listens, using his Scions to further his own all-seeing ways and manipulating them into keeping his security network solid. It is virtually impossible to keep a secret from him, and he often meddles in the careers of his children.

Provinces: Creator, Guardian, Hunter