Growing Gold

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Rotes by Craft / Tradition

Description: Another gold-creating rote, this one invented by Horatio and Kate (The alchemists need much gold to finance their expensive magick and for use in finding out not only where they where, but WHEN they were). Since everything is alive to some extent according to alchemical doctrine, metallic gold can be coaxed to grow given the right nutrients. The mage places a small amount of gold in a crucible and adds another metal, preferably mercury. The crucible is heated, and the result is that the gold absorbs nourishment from the metal and the heat and grows into more gold.


Source: SCRIBD (Apprentice Rotes for Mage: The Ascension), Uploaded by Beth on Jun 19, 2008, originally part of "The Grimoire of the Cabal of Pure Thought", a resource for my Mage: The Ascension game. None Commercial.