Gods or Rome and Greece

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The Celestine

No God of Rome was a Greater Celestine, or a member of the Triat. The more powerful are Lesser Celestines, or Incarna. Jupiter, Juno, Apollo, Diana, Neptune, Minerva, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Ceres were all greater Celestines.

The Jagglins (a.k.a.: Avatars)

Most Roman Gods decided to create mortal incarnations to serve them on Earth. They choose mortals with potential (i.e.: with the corresponding Avatar Background).

But Magick's power started to weaken, and the link between the gods and their Jagglins (or Avatars, as they called them) weakened. Most then choose to keep their mortal bodies immortal, through any means. The most known chose either Vampirism (created by another Lesser --and rather arrogant, jealous and ego-centered-- Celestine), or the Rebirth. But either way, these mortal bodies cheated the life and death cycles, and thus were corrupted by the Wyrm from the begining...

Roman vision of the Triat

Thus, Order was more important, and Chaos led to death.