Gabrovo Times Saturday January 3rd, 2016

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Storm of the Century!

Historians are weighting in along with weather reports for the largest amount of snow to ever hit the Gabrovo Province. As much as 15 feet of snow fell over 6 and half days. Some of the snow drifts reached as much as 25 feet in the city. Officials are gathering all residents and outsiders with the help of the National Guard out of Sofia. First priorities are clean water and basic food. Firefighters and police are working 15-20 hour days to find missing people and to dig out those they have found. If you need help please call 555-7894 or email

Fund set up for those who lost their homes.

A fund has been set up by Pavel Bozhidar, a member of the National Assembly. This 41 year from one of Sofia’s wealthiest families has started a fund with 10 million of his own funds. He encourages those residents of Bulgaria that can to help out in this national disaster to help those families get back on their feet. For more details visit

$$ Get your Hazard insurance today!!$$

Home have a big hole in it? Car have more snow than steel? Don’t pay for this again! Enroll in Darko Hazard insurance today! Call 555-1278 today!

Police need your help!

Right as the storm that has held the nation and even the world’s attention started, a bomb was reported in the center of Gabrovo. Police are asking for any information you might have about anyone seen in or around the corners of Sveti Yoan Predtecha and Musala.

Two bodies found, first victims of the storm.

The body of Victor Angelova and an unknown man of oriental decent (listed as a John Doe) were found on the street near the resent bomb threat. Both are assumed to have died due to exposure. Victor has no contactable relatives and his burial will most likely be handled by the state. Anyone with knowledge of the John Doe’s identity is encouraged to contact Gabrovo police.