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●●●●● -- GATE OF FIRE

Dice Pool: Manipulation + Awareness
Cost: 1 Divinity
Description: The Avatar can leap into any fire he can get to and instantly emerge from either another fire within his line of sight or one upon which he has used Gift of Fire or Sacred Fire (Fire • + ••) within the scene. The fires he enters and exits must be at least as large around as he is. Avatars of Fire may bless their companions or those they favor with the ability to travel via the Gate of Fire, but this journey is a one way trip.

Neither the Avatar, nor those he blesses actually touch either fire through which they travel, so they do not necessarily have to have immunity to fire to utilize this Power. The Avatar and his blessed companions emerges right from the fire through which they have traveled and once transport is complete, the smoke and flames are issues with which to contend.

Successes upon the activation roll determine how many individuals the Avatar can transport via the flames.