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Dice Pool: Wits + Occult = 6 (day) / 5 (night)

Cost: Expend 3 Divinity

Description: When a Avatar learns this Power, she earns a set of
keys to the realm of the dead. Thereafter, whenever she uses the Power,
she opens a portal from wherever she is to the Underworld. This portal
opens into a safe tract of the Underworld that has been staked out by
her pantheon. If the Avatar has a special patch of Underworld staked
out for her own, the portal opens within that patch’s bounds.

The Avatar can lead with her a number of willing followers equal to
the successes her player achieved on the activation roll. Unless those
followers have at least a Divinity 2, or are otherwise protected against
death, traveling into the Underworld strips them of their mortal coil,
effectively trapping them in the Underworld as ghosts. The portal remains
open for one turn — long enough for the Avatar and everyone the activation
roll allows to follow him to step through if they do so immediately.

The Avatar can use this portal as a two way portal from the Underworld to
the material plane, or from the physical world to the Underworld. Sadly
for those who accompany the Avatar of Death portals created with this
Power are one way only. The Avatar's fellow travelers must find another
exit from the Underworld if they wish to return to the realm of the living.