Fulvum Alatum Somnia

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This band of brother three are black-winged dreams and sons of Lady Earth and the King of Sleep.
They are Morpheus who best imitates mankind, Phobetor who best takes the forms of beast or bird or
the long serpent, and Phantasos who appears in dreams in the form of inanimate objects, putting on
"deceptive shapes of earth, rocks, water, trees, all lifeless things".

These three Oneiroi quite literally brothers and triplets. They came into imagination and reality
at precisely the same time and are fate-bound to travel the Sea of Dreams until they are slain together
or time ends.

In time they will be joined by a thousand siblings as predicted by Pūblius Ovidius Nāsō's masterpiece the
Metamorphoses ("Books of Transformations") which was published in 761 A.U.C. (8 A.D.) which
not only gave birth to them, but chronicles their adventures and final fates.

Despite the birth of a Thousand Siblings of Sleep, the three original Oneroi are considered not only
the most famous, but the most powerful in their individuality.

~ Morpheus -- The Shaper
~ Phobetor -- The Frightener
~ Phantasos -- The Fantasy