Flawless Parry

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Celerity 6

Description: This power is a boon to those Cainites who are not of a martial bent, allowing them to react quickly to incoming threats and defend against them. More aggressive Cainites may scoff at this power, but Flawless Parry ensures that even a Cainite with only a minimum of combat training can make the most of it in combat.

System: To activate this power, the player decides how many defensive actions the character wishes to gain, up to a maximum of her character's Celerity rating plus one, and then spends one blood point per action after the first. This blood expenditure is considered Celerity use and as such does not count against the maximum number of blood that can be spent per turn. The character may take no other actions while using Flawless Parry, but each defense gained from this power is considered to have successes on all the dice in the dice pool. The player decides which attacks to use a defense against and which not to before the opponent's dice are rolled.

Example: Lord Raymond finds himself assaulted in the town square by six ghoul ruffians sent by an enemy. He draws his blade, calls out for his nearby allies and then activates Flawless Parry. Raymond has Celerity 6, so he can potentially take seven defensive actions. He is running low on blood, however, so he decides on six (his player spends 5 blood points). Raymond has Dexterity 3, Melee 2 and Dodge 1. Three of the ghouls shoot at him with crossbows, and against these attacks Raymond has four automatic successes to dodge (as he would normally have four dice to dodge such attacks). The three other ghouls attack him with axes, and against these, Raymond has five automatic successes to parry (because his normal parry pool is five dice).