Fires of the Inferno

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Infernal Sorcery

This Dark Thaumaturgy allows the thaumaturge to manipulate the supernatural flames conjured from the depths of Hades. It appears in a malignant, green, and it is impossible for the infernalist to hide. This "balefire" is supernatural fire, and it affects those with protection from mundane flames normally.

Balefire is not subtle. The sickly, green flame springs from the conjurer's hand in jets or globes, its sole purpose is to damage opponents. Unlike Lure of Flames, Fires of the Inferno are not intended for fine or discrete purposes.

Hell's Price: The Infernal Aura

Upon attaining level two of this path, the character suffers a change in her aura. Immediately visible to those using Aura Perception on her is a baleful green flame. This aura is visible to anyone using that power on her successfully, and it does not count toward the normal amount of information the character receives from such uses.

System: Blood Expenditure & Willpower Roll +3 difficulty

The higher the level of mastery the practitioner possesses, the hotter the flames are. Hellfire can be extinguished in the same way as normal flames, though the green color implies that something less than normal is happening. A botched roll results in the caster losing control of the flames, which may turn on him or engulf him. Remember that vampires wishing to soak this damage must posses the Discipline of Fortitude.

Skill to Power Ratio
Rank I: Lighter (difficulty 3 to soak, one health level of damage/turn)
Rank II: Stove-top (difficulty 4 to soak, two health levels of damage/turn)
Rank III: Blowtorch (difficulty 5 to soak, three health levels of damage/turn)
Rank IV: Flame-thrower (difficulty 7 to soak, four health levels of damage/turn)
Rank V: Conflagration (difficulty 9 to soak, five health levels of damage/turn)