Feral Imbuing

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Discipline Techniques

Animalism 4, Potence 2

With this power, a vampire may share his preternatural strength with a beast in his line of sight. Nosferatu use this power more than any other clan, though the Gangrel know it as well. Few sights are as disturbing as a bloated rat chewing tunnels through solid stone.

System: The vampire selects an animal in his line of sight, and the player rolls Strength + Animal Ken (difficulty 6). The vampire may transfer as many levels of his Potence Discipline to the targeted animal as the number of successes rolled, although the player does not have to use all the successes and vampires obviously cannot transfer more Potence than they possess. The vampire's own Potence rating is also reduced by the number of dots transferred, weakening him for the duration of the power. Feral Imbuing may be withdrawn at will as a reflexive action, restoring the vampire to his full strength.

Experience Cost: 28