Fata Amria

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Chimerstry 6

Using this power, a Ravnos may place a potent curse on a target. By evoking the power in her blood, the Ravnos essentially "locks" an illusory effect to the target, which manifests from time to time. The effects of Fata Amria can range from merely annoying to potentially lethal, depending on the severity of the curse and the number of successes rolled by the Ravnos.

System: A Fata Amria costs one Willpower point to initiate. The Ravnos verbally curses the target, then rolls Manipulation + Intimidation against a difficulty of the target's Willpower. The number of successes determines the strength of the effect, as shown on the table below. The example effect given is simply a guideline; the way in which the Fata Amria manifests is based solely upon the nature of the curse accompanying it.

Note: A Fata Amria is only as successful as the target believes it to be. If the target deeply fears the power of the curse, it manifests itself repeatedly until the target can master his fear.

1 Success Inconvenient effects; target loses two dice from a given Dice Pool
2 Minor effects; difficulty numbers are raised by two when in a given circumstance
3 Major effects; target automatically fails a certain action at a pinnacle moment.
4 Serious effects; target automatically fails certain actions in any stressful situation.
5+ Disastrous effects; target fails all actions involving a given Attribute, Ability or Discipline