Fascination (Hedge Magic)

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Hedge Magic

Introduction: Call it bewitching, call it will binding, speak of love philters and glamours, speak of presence and awe. In the end, what you are talking about is a sorcerer’s ability to fascinate - to compel a subject to listen what she says, to force an attraction that would not otherwise be there. A master of this Path can instill loyalty, lust, confidence, faith and love in those she comes in contact with - in some cases, so much so that the sorcerer is bedeviled with followers so fanatical that they are willing to kill for the object of their affections.

Sometimes utter Fascination is not all what the sorcerer wants. Stories abound of a sorcerer and victim tied up in a web of conflicting loyalties and obsessions, with tragedy the nigh-inevitable result. Even worse is when a third party is brought into the mixture; some seek out sorcerers skilled in this Path, hoping to gain assistance in attracting the eye of some desire paramour.

But not all tales of this Path end in tragedy. Many sorcerers, careful to use only enough power to get what they want and no more, make a decent living in the media, as entertainers, as sales representatives and in almost any other job that requires constant contact with people.

Fascination works with the social traits, exactly which one depends on the circumstances. Normally, the will-binder’s most impressive attribute will be enhanced; a good looking woman will appear stunning, a smooth operator will become impossibly slick and someone with a powerful personality will be positively magnetic. A sorcerer can choose to enhance any of his social attributes, however; an already charismatic wizard might choose Fascination to brush up his appearance.

A sorcerer can inspire more than simple attraction or interest with Fascination; although it is more difficult, she can inspire loyalty, trust, camaraderie, faith, confidence or some other (generally positive) emotional link.

Humans have no real resistance to this ability, although subjects of significant willpower are less likely to be affected.

Those who possess similar mind-influencing powers (vampiric Dominate and Presence, psychic abilities, the Sphere of Mind, etc.) can also typically ignore attempts to influence them with this Path. Innately mystical creatures (shape shifters, the Fae, etc.) can counter a spell with their own power if they choose to.

The blood bond of vampires is not sufficient, in and of itself, to counter Fascination, but the bond remains in effect; any demand that run counter to the bond will automatically fail.

  • Minor: In a crowd, you are noticed, and individuals will find you interesting.
    • Stirring: You aren’t the centre of the party, but you are being listened to. An individual will make it a point to hang out with you.
      • Life of the Party: Of course you threw this party, didn’t you? A subject will go out of his way for you.
        • Major: You are throwing a party, aren’t you? What you do, others pay attention to. Individuals will sacrifice quite to bit to earn your approval.
          • Trendsetter: If you jumped off a bridge, more than a few people would follow. Your influence is unmistakable. An individuals will do almost anything you ask him to, even kill or die.