Fantasy World

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Chimerstry 8

A Ravnos with this ability can create an illusory world in another being's mind. the victim of this technique might be wasting away in a dungeon, but believes himself to be a mighty king or adventurous knight.

System: The player must roll Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty 8) and spend two Willpower points. The number of successes determines the complexity of the fantasy world created, and the amount of time that it lasts. The player decides what the victim experiences, from a nightmarish word to a paradise. If the fantasy world differs inordinately from reality, the victim can make a Willpower roll (difficulty equal to the Ravnos' Manipulation + Empathy) to detect the illusion. The more realistic the imaginary world, the less likely is that the victim knows anything is amiss. A victim who recognizes his predicament can spend a Willpower point to shatter the fantasy. When this happens or the power's time limit expires, the Ravnos may try to reestablish the illusion, but her difficulty increases by two.

Successes Duration
1 Success One turn
2 1 hour
3 1 day
4 1 week
5 2 weeks