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Dice Pool: None

Cost: Expend 1 Willpower + 1 Divinity

Description: By calling upon the cold of Winter, the Avatar suffuses her hands with deathly cold. When she touches water, a skin of ice freezes across it; when she caresses plants, they wither. The Avatar’s unarmed attacks inflict extra dice of bashing damage equal to half her Divinity (rounded up), except against opponents immune to cold. Holding an easily chilled object, such as a cup or a metal blade, causes it to frost over. (A metal weapon affected by this Power adds the above damage to a successful attack, but that damage is either bashing or lethal as appropriate to the weapon type.) A bottle of liquid the size of a typical soft drink will freeze through — likely bursting the container — with just a few seconds of contact.

Through a special expenditure of an extra point of Divinity, the Scion can instantly freeze a large quantity of liquid, equal to her Divinity rating in cubic yards.

This Power lasts for an entire scene after its activation, though the Avatar can end it prematurely (to avoid injuring a companion by touch, for instance).