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●●●●●● -- FLASH OF FURY

Dice Pool: Wits + Archery

Cost: 3 Divinity per attack

Description: This Power calls upon lightning, either from the sky or from the Scion himself. To use it, the Avatar raises a hand heavenward or points his hand or weapon at his intended foe. At his behest, lightning either lances down from the sky or launches from the weapon itself to smite the victim. Each such bolt inflicts 15 dice of lethal damage plus extra successes on the Archery roll. An attack that inflicts damage also inflicts knockdown or knockback automatically.

The Avatar can even strike multiple targets with bolts of lightning if he’s willing to pay three Legend per each targeted victim. Each victim so targeted must be within the Avatar’s line of sight, and the Avatar’s player makes a single (Wits + Archery) roll against which all victims must contend. The Avatar can simultaneously create and aim a number of bolts equal to his Divinity — and he can target as many (or as few) targets as he pleases.

If the Avatar targets another god who also has this Power, the target can attempt to use this Power to parry the lightning bolt(s). Doing so requires spending three points of Divinity, as if the target had activated the Power herself. If her Parry DV negates all of the original attack roll’s successes (per a regular parry attempt), the bolt effectively becomes hers to control. On her next action, she can either allow it to dissipate harmlessly, or she can redirect it with a (Wits + Archery) roll of her own. She need not spend another three points of Divinity to attack with it, as she already spent the requisite three points. If she splits the bolt apart to attack multiple characters, however, she must pay the additional Divinity points required for each additional character.