Féach ar an domhan na marbh

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Description:The Italians have sullied the name of the necromancer in their time but for some caster they wish to work with the world of the dead. This is a first step for those who wish to connect with the world of the dead. The caster must carry an active fetter of a wraith to cast this spell. This allows the caster to see shadowlands, as well as see and speak to wraiths. It does not give any power to cross the shroud.

Origin: Brian O'Reilly

Casting: After setting up a normal circle caster takes the object that is a wraiths fetter and orrates on the virtues of the wraith that is connected to it. This does not have to be true but it will be noticed by the wraith, either fueling a passion or creating angst for the wraith. (this does not effect the ritual except for help create a connection to the underworld)

Systems: Caster rolls Charisma + Rituals (dif is 6), number of success are the charges on the item. Each charge allows the caster to see and communicate across the shroud for a scene. Charges last number of seasons equal to casters necromancy level.
