Events of the Rakshasa

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User talk: Keith

In February of 1904 th Keepers of Harpocratis bought a false copy of Listings of Werdheri.
Marc Alex David was obsessed with it, and as the High Priest of the Keepers, spent a large amount of time studying the book over the next couple of months.
Mr David and his friends made a break through and started talking to a demon. That demon corrected the errors of the book and showed them how to summon him.
Following the beings instructions they burned down a boarding house with 12 people inside. This was enough life force to bring the Rakshasa to the Prime Material.
The being was able to do amazing things, and Marc begain using it to gain access to money and secrets of the rich and powerful.
The Rakshasa learned of the Technocracy doing a test in London, using a version of Vargo Zamtredia's differential engine as a weapon. The engine was supposed to suck the life force of all of the people in a 50' radius.
The Rakshasa made sure to be in attendance to absorb the life force in order to bring a female to the Prime plane.
At this time a Brujah was killed in the event.
Henry Stern and the Dr Ostanes become involved.
June 10th the party at The Southers Mansion takes place. Marc Alex David and his girlfriend Stacy Helmsworth attend in the company of the Rakshasa who steals the necklace known as Shodoshi's tears.
Ostanes manages to save Gloria Southers after the Rakshasa used the Lore of Humanity on her.