Eugenio Estevez

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Tremere -x- Quebec City -x- Vampires of New York from 1999 to 2022

Tremere Eugenio estevez.jpg

Sobriquet: Regent (official) or Genie (to casual acquaintances).

Appearance: A mortal life of toil gave Genie the hearty physique he has to this night; he is broad-shouldered and impressively muscled. While he usually prefers the staid garb so common among the Tremere, whenever he finds himself doing hands-on work, he tends to wear loose, casual clothes like jeans and pullovers. Genie is fairly tall at almost six feet in height. He has short, black hair and brown eyes, and he usually wears a mustache.

Behavior: Politics has surpassed Genie's one-time passion of blood magic. What the other Tremere of New York say is true - he has turned his back on the clan as a whole. Of course, Genie guards this secret very close to his heart, and it's not so lurid as the other Tremere would have it seem. Eugenio and Clan Tremere have simply diverged, outgrown each other. Genie has long had the sense that this is how other clans operate, but he has to be careful in his sympathies, for if he does not, he knows for a fact that he would certainly earn himself an entire host of enemies. That of course would be a supreme detriment to Eugenio's princely desires.

History: On his eighth birthday, Eugenio Eztevez's parents gave him to the witch who kept a castle just a few miles from their humble farm in rural Spain. Such was the practice with this old witch -- he would take a child from the nearby villages every few years to serve as his housekeeper, and eventually the poor child would never be heard from again. No one wanted to risk the wrath of the witch, so they complied with his chilling demands.

In Eugenio, though, the witch had more than he bargained for. Precocious for his age, the boy was always asking questions, learning much about the philosophies of Thaumaturgy while he cleaned up after the witch's nightly studies. He read books the old Kindred kept on his shelves and studied formulae he found written in the laboratory. As he grew older, he followed the old scholar down the road of the Jewish faith. By the time he was at the age of majority, Eugenio had shaped up to be quite a protege. Instead of devouring his blood, the old witch kept him on as an apprentice and Embraced him.

Eugenio's rise through the Tremere hierarchy was just as prodigal. At first, he accompanied his sire to convocations at other chantries, where he met other members of the pyramid. Bidding his sire farewell, he traveled to a chantry in Toledo, where he studied the ways of binding spirits (and thus, earned his nickname). His skill with Thaumaturgy earned him quick promotions there. He was soon elevated to the status of regent.

His superiors watched his progress, and Eugenio was granted permission to start his own chantry. For a few years, he traveled the world, looking for a place that truly spoke to him. He returned to Spain and rejoined his old chantry, publishing a collection of letters between himself and his sire on the subject of spirit Thaumaturgy.

Eugenio's interest was piqued with the Camarilla's plans for New York, however, and he used the opportunity to start his new chantry there. Working with Aisling Sturbridge, Genie developed the concept of satellite chantries that coordinated their efforts with a central one. Bringing this plan to fruition changed his outlook dramatically, and he left his Thaumaturgical studies by the wayside as he dove into the politics of the city in the wake of the Camarilla's victory. While he once acted as regent for the chantry at the Jewish Museum, he relocated in less than a year to the Maupassant Room, where he could focus on matters of political concern to the Tremere. Even that shortly grew less than fulfilling, and he became more enamored of the act of politicking itself and less with the aims of Clan Tremere.

Over the last couple decades, Eugenio has made many contacts, unfortunately, his reputation with his clan has nearly disintegrated. The apprentices and lesser regents at the Jewish Museum, long ago wrote him off and Regent Wainwright of the Kenilworth chantry has no small degree of enmity for him. Genie has allowed his relationship with the other Tremere of New York to atrophy, though he has made sure to outwardly appear to represent them well, as the insular Warlocks of the Big Apple still prefer to present a unified front to the other clans. Eugenio knows that he is out of time, resources and allies in New York. As a formerly staunch ally of Aisling Sturbridge, Eugenio is in an extremely difficult situation and with his enemies closing in for the kill, he is looking for nearly any way out of New York.

Recent Events: Just recently, Regent Estevez has received orders directly from Vienna to proceed in secret to Quebec City and take over Tremere interests in the Quebecois capital. Engenio could not believe his good luck, nor does he even believe in luck, as he now realized that he has a guardian angel somewhere within the Tremere pyramid. Without hesitation, Eugenio packed the bare minimum necessary, chose the strongest of the Gargoyles and one of Aisling's star pupils and set off for Quebec City.