Dual Form

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Protean 9

Legends of vampires being in many places at once are common, and may well be the result of a Kindred with the Dual Form power. When using this power, a character can split herself into two weaker forms, both of which act as though they were the original (thus allowing the player to control two identical characters).

System: Neither of the two forms is as strong as the original, and all Physical and Mental Attributes are reduced by one. Each form has half the Blood Pool of the original and can spend half as many Blood Points per turn. The two forms are not in contact with one another (unless the character has an appropriate Auspex power), but are intuitively linked - if one is in danger the other will know it.

This splitting of forms can be done more than once. It is possible for there to be four versions of a vampire, or even eight. However, the split cannot occur if the character already has a zero in an Attribute (thus it is impossible for Nosferatu to use this power).

The two forms can recombine provided they are touching. The process itself takes only a few minutes, but can be quite grisly to watch. The current Blood Pools of both are combined to form the complete character's Blood Pool. If the forms have spent a great deal of time apart from one another, it is likely that the weaker of the two will not want to recombine with the other as the weaker one always loses whatever unique identity it possessed. Thus the more powerful form may have to track the weaker one down and force it to rejoin (a most bizarre circumstance).