Drowning in Earth

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Koldunism Level 6

The Tzimisce's connection to the land clearly influences this curse. The magician commands the spirits of the land not to bear up the target of the curse. For the victim, earth and stone are no longer solid. Instead, they act like quicksand. A victim remains safe so long as she stays on wood, metal, plastic, cloth or other substances. Brick, asphalt and concrete count as stone for purposes of this curse. The victim cannot push through walls because the curse operates only in the "down" direction. Up or to the side, earth and stone remain solid. A victim can fall through stone floors until he reaches ground level.

A victim who keeps his head can slowly "swim" to safety through yielding earth or stone. This requires total concentration: The victim can take no other action, and moves only one foot per turn. Otherwise, the victim sinks one foot per turn. Once the earth closes over a victim's head, he cannot "swim" back to the surface.

The Protean power Interred in the Earth partially counters this curse. A Cainite using this power can stabilize his position in the ground and can return to the surface normally. The character must remain melded, however, if he wants to avoid sinking into the earth again. Indeed, for the curse's duration, the victim can perform Earth Meld in sold stone or concrete - but if the curse ends before the victim frees himself, he is trapped in stone with no way out. Tzimisce legends tell, however, of elder Cainites who chewed or clawed their way to the surface after sinking into solid stone and took terrible revenge on the sorcerer who cursed them.

System: The curse lasts one night and day per success rolled by the magician's player. Multiple castings of the curse are not cumulative: The victim suffers the effect of whichever casting had the most successes. A Level-Seven version version of this curse (The Earth Shall Not Bear Him) imposes a permanent effect on victims, but this requires expending two points of permanent Willpower. The more powerful curse is the stuff of legends, even to master Kolduns.