Dreams of Duat

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Setite Sorcery

Description: By invoking Set, the magician curses a victim to suffer terrifying dreams. The magician needs some part of her victim's body, such as hair or nail clippings. She seals them inside a wax figurine that she inscribes with the person's name (as closely as hieroglyphic script can approximate it). While reciting the curse, the magician bathes the figurine in water made bitter with natron and declared to come from the river of Duat. The victim then dreams of Duat's horrors.

System: Unlike most rituals, this one uses the victim's Willpower as the difficulty. For each night in which the magician successfully curses her with nightmares, the victim loses one point of temporary Willpower.
If the magician's player ever rolls a botch, the victim has a different dream. Into the nightmare of darkness, monsters and death sails a shining boat staffed by animal-headed men and women. An ibis-headed man - the god Thoth - tells the dreamer how the magician has cursed him, and gives the magician's name. (Religious magic has the problem that it goes wrong in religious ways. By accepting the reality of one god, Setite magicians also accept the power of other gods to interfere.)