Dragan Dobrev's Statistics

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Dragan Dobrev

Circa: 2032 C.E.
Clan: None - he is mortal and aging fast.
Generation: None.
Born: 1968
Temporal Regeneration: 2032
Employer: Jeremy Sanderson
Apparent Age:
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 5
Talents: Alertness 5 (ambushes, bombs, being followed), Athletics 3 (running, swimming), Brawl 5 (punching, kicking, grappling), Dodge 4 (footwork, duck & weave), Empathy 4 (fear, guilt), Expression 3 (written reports, oral reports), Intimidation 5 (cold stare, gun dis-assembly & re-assembly, the scary story), Leadership 5 (Bulgarian People's Army, 5th Directorate, private security), Streetwise 3 (drinks for information, befriending battered hookers), Subterfuge 5 (the probable story, getting the story straight, the desirable answer)
Skills: Animal Ken 3 (horses, guard dogs), Crafts 3 (quick gun fixes, quick car repair), Drive 3 (high speed chases, evasive techniques), Etiquette 3 (formal, street), Firearms 5 (pistols, center mass, head shots), Melee 3 (stick fighting, improvised weapons), Performance 1 (formal dance), Security 4 (modern systems, weak points), Stealth 2 (crowds), Survival 3 (mountains, winter)
Knowledges: Academics 3 (military history, strategy), Computers 2 (common passwords), Finance 1 (double checking the books), Investigation 3 (physical searches, bomb detection), Law 1 (local laws), Linguistics 3 (Bulgarian, Russian, English, French), Medicine 1 (first aid), Occult 2 (Slavic myths), Politics 2 (bureaucracies), Science 2 (trajectories)
Disciplines: None yet.
Discipline Techniques: None yet.
Advanced Disciplines: None yet.
Sorcerous Paths: None yet.
Rituals: None yet.
Backgrounds: Allies 3 (Bulgarian Protection Service), Contacts 4 (private security services), Resources 4 (off-shore Irish banking), Retainers 2 (man-servant, personal chef), Status 3 (private security)
Flaws / Merits: Perhaps.
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
Morality: Road of Humanity 6
Willpower: 8