Downtime 2032-2042

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- Brief recap for myself:

  • Mithras is dead....maybe....
  • London is once again in the hands of Camrilla
  • I am no longer an Archon of Lucinde
  • I have agreed to collect info for Lucinde
  • I have domain in London, Maybe Charter House
  • Change, no domain in London, instead more fighting and now I am Baron of York. Cursed I tell you....I think it's the Lasombra's fault

Short term-

-Finish clean-up of London(done)
-Start Training Hans, including dealing with his path(done and in progress)
-Bring York under my control(done i thought)

Medium Term- (mostly done by end of downtime)

-Finish Clothing of Mist and Shadow (done)
-Start and maybe finish Theft of Life Energy(working finish in 2046)
-Consider "coming out" as my real generation (not done, need to do)
-Learn either 6 Dominate or 6 Presense depending on the above (6 Presense check, done)
-Start hiring out guards to other kindred for both boons and information(done but not very effective)

Long Term-

-work on Necromancy ritual to break or polute one of the Soul Vaults (confer with Jamie on details of his ritual)
-Begin helping Giovanni(Dunsern) get souls, and any other help I can do in prep for the above