Don Alonzo De Vargas' Statistics

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Don Alonzo De Vargas

Circa: 2016 C.E.
Clan: Lasombra Antitribu
Generation: 7th
Born: 1190 A.D.
Embrace: 1215
Sire: Guilelmo Aliprando
Nature: Judge
Demeanor: Traditionalist
Apparent Age: Mid 20s
Physical: Strength 6, Dexterity 6, Stamina 6
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 6, Appearance 5
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 6
Talents: Alertness 5 (ambushes, being followed), Athletics 6 (dancing, running), Brawl 3, Dodge 6 (ducking, footwork, parrying), Empathy 3, Expression 3, Intimidation 6 (pulling rank, veiled threats), Leadership 5 (giving orders, rallying the troops), Memory 5 (faces, conversations), Subterfuge 6 (innuendo, disinformation)
Skills: Animal Ken 5 (training hounds, breaking horses, hawking), Archery 4 (hunting, heart shots), Crafts 3 (sword-smith, armor-smith), Etiquette 6 (courtly manners, foreign customs, kindred society), Melee (broadsword, disarms, blind-fighting), Performance 3 (poetry), Stealth 6 (silent movement, stalking), Survival 3 (mountains)
Knowledges: Academics (heraldry, Spanish history, the Reconquista), Area Knowledge 6 (Denver), City Secrets 5 (Denver), Commerce 4 (Investment - not that he would ever touch money himself), Enigmas 6, Investigation 4 (records, search), Law 3 (feudal obligations, the traditions of Caine), Linguistics 4 (dialects), Medicine 1 (fatal injuries), Occult 5 (Kindred lore, Garou Lore, Wraith Lore), Politics 5 (National, Lasombra, Camarilla), Science 1, Theology 3
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Auspex 5, Celerity 6, Dominate 6, Fortitude 5, Obfuscate 6, Obtenebration 6, Potence 6, Quietus 4, Vicissitude 3
Advanced Disciplines: Dominate 6 (Fealty), Obfuscate 6 (Mind Blank), Obtenebration 6 (Shadow Step)
Discipline Techniques: Smothering Darkness (Obfuscate 1, Obtenebration 2) - pg.33 of Masters of the State, Echo of the Subtle Vizier (Dominate 2, Obtenebration 2) - pg.165 of the Guide to the High Clans, Armory of the Abyss (Fortitude 3, Obtenebration 3) & (Obtenebration 3, Potence 3) - pg.163-164 of the Guide to the High Clans, Dark Steel (Obtenebration 3, Potence 3) - pg.33 of Masters of the State, Eminence of Shade (Dominate 5, Obtenebration 5) - pg.166 of the Guide to the High Clans.
Backgrounds: Allies (Spanish Aristocrats) 5, Childer 5, Contacts (Catholic Church) 5, Generation (rumored diablerie) 6, Herd (daughters of Spanish-American descent) 5, Influence (Denver) 5, Mentor (Tercio Bravo) 4, Resources (long-term investments)5, Retainers 5, Bloodline Status 3, City Status (Prince of Denver) 5, Manus Nigrum Status 3
Virtues: Conviction 3, Self-Control 5, Courage 5
Road: Kings 8
Willpower: 9
Merits: Master of Protocol (1pt - social), Iron Will (5pt - mental), Unimpressed (5pt - social)
Flaws: Bound - Guilelmo Aliprando (3pt - supernatural), Noble Arrogance (1pt - mental), Selective Thirst - Spanish Blood (4pt - mental)
Secrets: Many.
Plots: Indubitably.
Destiny: Eventually, Don Alonzo will find the opportunity to slay his sire, he will have to weigh his personal distaste for Guilelmo Aliprando, against his sire's value as an enemy of the degenerate followers of Gratiano and the disgusting Giovanni.