Diplomat's Boon

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Discipline Techniques

Presence 3, Auspex 4

A diplomat's most difficult task is understanding what people need to hear in order to make them agreeable to a suggestion. With this power, a Toreador may learn what it is that the target wants to hear. The power does not necessarily reveal all the views of the Cainite's target, but it does grant invaluable information which can then be put to good use in negotiation, avoidance of treachery and so on.
Despite its innocuous-sounding name, Diplomat's boon is not always used for peaceful matters. Enemies may be allied, marriages arranged and wars started with proper application of this knack.

System: The player spends a blood point and has her character concentrate for one turn on her subject. She then knows what to say to elicit a particular response. If the character is attempting to further an idea that the target believes fundamentally wrong (such as convincing a pacifist monk to propose war, or a happy person to consider suicide), the target may resist with a single success on a Willpower roll (difficulty 8).

Experience Cost: 28