Devils Advocate

From The World Is A Vampire
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Yes, it's true that the Union advocates conformity. But too much conformity is worse than chaos. it leads to stagnation and decay. order is necessary, but that order becomes nonsense without questions and challenges. You know all about that "static mages" crap, and you take pains to prove it's untrue. Question the plans, argue the alternatives and undercut the mindless conformity. After all, nothing that cannot endure scrutiny is strong enough to endure at all, or so it's been said.

By questioning the status quo, you serve a vital function. Your Skepticism forces others to evaluate what they do, why they do it and what it will accomplish. Without you, they'd all be mindless drones.

That doesn't mean they'll appreciate you, of course. Your Contrariness will drive others (Especially Supervisors) up the wall. You'll get your ass kicked thoroughly and often. Occasionally, you really will ask too many questions and undercut your own effectiveness. A wise agent knows when to stop asking questions, make a decision and act.

 Regain Willpower when you questions reveal some serious weakness in a plan, or lead to some great victory.