Detect Disinformation

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Rotes by Craft / Tradition

Description: Many Rosicrucians are paranoid about information they receive, and seek to test it to see if it is disinformation or lies. This rote was developed by a group of especially worried mages, who were barraged by subtle disinformation from the Technocracy. They studied the information in the mental image of their show stones, invoking Mikael and other angels of truth to help them to find falsehoods and lies. By seeking internal inconsistencies, they managed to ascertain some of the validity. This method was later developed into a very efficient rote by adding Correspondence and Time. The mage not only studies the internal consistency of the information,he also compares it to the causal chains and actual state of the world. This might take a long time if it is complex information or relates to very specific matters, so the use is somewhat limited. However, even a brief check can reveal some types of disinformation.


Source: SCRIBD (Apprentice Rotes for Mage: The Ascension), Uploaded by Beth on Jun 19, 2008, originally part of "The Grimoire of the Cabal of Pure Thought", a resource for my Mage: The Ascension game. None Commercial.