Destiny's Eye

From The World Is A Vampire
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The Avatar can automatically recognize any people to whom she is Fatebound. She can pick their faces out of a crowd with just a glance. She can recognize their voices despite electronic distortion or overpowering background noise. She knows their scents and their body language and even the exact feel of the way they shake hands. She can also recognize an imposter when someone tries to mimic the voice or appearance of someone to whom she is Fatebound.

Recognizing others is not quite as easy. If, when a Avatar encounters a character to whom she is not Fatebound, she makes a concerted effort to try to remember that character’s looks and mannerisms, the player may spend a point of Willpower to lock that image in the Avatar’s mind. After that, she retains the ability to recognize him despite all obfuscation for the rest of the story as if they two were Fatebound. Thereafter, the Avatar loses any supernatural ability she had to recognize that character. (She doesn’t forget what the character looks like, mind you. It’s just that the Flair no longer applies to that person.)

The timing of when the Avatar recognizes a person is entirely up to the Storyteller as dictated by the needs of the story.

If the private investigator who’s been dogging the Avatar’s heels tries to slink up to the character in disguise at a crowded charity fund-raiser, the Avatar might see the gumshoe coming a mile away (even despite the fake beard, the fat suit, the spray-on tan and the sex change). If an Avatar of Loki who’s a rival to a player’s Avatar of Anubis arrives in disguise to deliver a cryptic warning, the Avatar of Anubis might not recognize her old foe until the trickster disappears with a wink behind the elevator’s closing doors.

Finally, as a side effect of this Flair, an Avatar can always recognize when someone who is not in disguise, but is biologically related to a person she knows well (regardless of whether that person is Fatebound to her). She cannot intuitively grasp what that relationship is, but she knows it’s there—even if the person in question doesn’t.