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Dementation 8

this highly disturbing power offers a very compelling argument that the Malkavians see more of reality than anyone else does. The Malkavian using Deny is able to focus away from a certain object so completely that the object ceases to exist in the Malkavian's perception. However, the power of Dementation is so strong for all intents and purposes, the Malkavian is right. The Malkavian may step through a locked door that he "doesn't see" as if it were an archway; a sword that he refuses to acknowledge will fail to cut him, passing right though his body. Those few elders of other clans who've seen this power in action cannot find a suitable explanation for how exactly it works. Perhaps the astral plane is somehow involved, or perhaps elder Lunatics simply function in more than three dimensions - who can say? They're certainly no explanation forthcoming from the Malkavians...

This power cannot be used to "deny" the existence of of living creatures, undead or spirits; it works only on inanimate objects. Some fragments of old stories hint that the Eater and perhaps even Malkav might have the ability to use a similar power against living creatures, but such a power is beyond the scope of most elders in existence today.

System: The player spends a blood point and rolls Willpower, difficulty 8. If successfully, for the duration of the scene, the Malkavian cannot recognize or interact with the given object in any way. It's as if the object just didn't exist of the Lunatic. Of course, this does have one or two drawbacks; if a Malkavian has successfully "tuned out" an opponent's weapon, he won't be able to understand why his friends are reacting as if their foe were armed. (They're probably hallucinating, come to think of it.)

The aura of "noninterference" doesn't extend further than anything the Malkavian is holding; the Malkavian can swing a fire axe through a "denied" door to strike the opponent on the other side, but if he were to fire through the "open archway," the bullets would hit the door as usual (possibly to the Lunatic's consternation). the Malkavian cannot help other vampires or living beings to tune out the ignored object, even if touching them; the power only benefits the Malkavian and his personal effects.