Death Shroud

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Obtenebration 7

Particularly clever Lasombra have become so skilled at manipulating darkness that they can animate a subject's very shadow. As long as there is sufficient light to cast a shadow, the vampire can command the shadow to perform any number of dark deeds with but a thought. While this power is active, the subject casts no shadow, as the darkness funnels directly into the Death Shroud.

The powers of Obtenebration are horrifying enough to most mortals (and even many Cainites). Still the Death Shroud is a particularly terrifying manifestation. To a mortal, it appears as if her very soul is detached, empowered to independent action by the Devil himself. Such an unholy act can be enough to drive the weak-minded insane, and make even the most stalwart fear for their immortal souls.

System: The player spends a Blood Point and, on a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 8), the vampire brings a shadow to life. Each success animates the shadow for an hour (although it disappears at sunrise no matter how much time is left from successes). A botch animates a shadow for an hour (although it disappears at sunrise no matter how much time is left from successes). A botch animates a shadow with hostile intent toward its creator. The Death Shroud has Attribute and Ability ratings equal to half those of the subject from which it is cast (round down), although it always has the Stealth Ability of 5. Additionally, the shadow possesses Obtenebration equal to half its creator's rating, to be used as the vampire wills.

The Shroud may separate itself from the subject and travel up to 50 feet away, even slithering through the cracks and up walls. It may be attacked, although physical assaults only do half damage (round all results down); flame and supernatural attacks (vampire fangs, werewolf claws, Disciplines, etc.) do full damage. If the shadow is "killed" its creator loses half her current Willpower and must roll to avoid Rotschreck (difficulty 9).