Deadly Demise

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Supernatural Merits & Flaws

"What though the Moor the basilisk has slain"
"And pinned him lifeless to the sandy plain,"
"Up through the spear the subtle venom flies,"
"The hand imbibes it, and the victor dies."
-- Lucan, Pharsalia

Description: Your death means death to your attacker, as the mandrake's scream kills the dog that hunts it. As a player, you must explain the mechanism that enables your posthumous revenge — a death scream, phoenix fire, corrosive blood, deadly flowing venom, etc. — and define, by extension, how someone might avoid it. An attacker taking extraordinary precautions may be able to circumvent your postmortem coup de grace, but those precautions might encumber him enough that his blow never lands.

It's worth noting that creatures who have already died (vampires, zombies, skeletal warriors, etc.), or ones that exist on the spiritual plane (ghosts, elementals, demons and angels, etc.) are totally immune to this power. Unless several creatures share a direct hand in your demise, this Advantage slays only your killer, not his associates, your allies or innocent bystanders.