Daedalus the Artificer

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Tremere -x- Camarilla

Tremere Daedalus the artifacer.jpg

Current Status: Tremere Justicar - Pro Tempore

Sobriquet: Archon Primus


Behavior: Daedalus' personality is a study of contrasts. He comes across as a ivory-tower scholar, more at home among dusty tomes than the halls of Elysium. However, he is quite capable of reducing the most hardened harpy to tears with a carefully chosen turn of phrase. He affects a traditional, effete demeanor, but is most excited by innovation: He is a master of technomancy, and his latest protegee has become di Zagreb's personal security expert.

History: Daedalus is now serving his third Tremere Justicar, and may well be older than the current office holder. His ambition is tempered by his personal projects, which he sometimes puts ahead of his latest investigation. Still, his seniority and obvious competence have earned him a position high in the pyramid structure of Tremere archons that mirrors the structure of the clan itself. Indeed, Daedalus is in charge of overseeing operations in South-Eastern Europe when Anistaz is elsewhere.

As Archon Primus, Daedalus often must handle scut work that the Justicar would rather not handle, like training new archons and overseeing projects that require long term dedication, rather than the personal presence of a Justicar to solve. What he thinks of di Zagreb's all-encompassing focus on internal security and mole-hunting is unknown, but he has re-focused his resources accordingly, like a good minion.

Recent Events:

Dadedalus' stats:
Str 4, Dex 5, Sta 5, Cha 4, Man 5, App 5 (7 with sorcery), Per 5, Int 5, Wits 5.
Expression: 5 / Alertness: 5 / Athletics: 4 / Brawl 4 (disabling holds) / Dodge: 5 / Empathy: 5 / Intimidation: 4 (pulling rank) / Leadership: 4 (coordinating separate groups) / Streetwise: 5 (tracking organizations, finding rare goods, international organizations) / Subterfuge: 5 (spotting lies, hiding lies, appearing harmless) / Meditation: 4 (recovering willpower) / Animal Ken: 4 (dogs) / Drive: 4 (avoiding crashes) / Etiquette: 5 (Elyssium, negotiation, avoiding offense) / Firearms: 4 (head shots) / Melee: 5 (Swords, stakes, his talisman) / Performance: 4 / Crafts: 4 / Security: 4 (booby traps, electronic intrusion) / Stealth: 5 (shadowing, evading) / Survival: 4 / Style: 3 (just behind the curve) / Instruction: 3 (Archon training) / Archery: 3 (heart shots) / Tactics 3 / Ride 3 / Academics: 4 (European history, Vampiric history) / Computer: 5 (intrusion, avoiding detection) / Finance: 4 (following the money) / Investigation: 5 / Law 4 (Lextalonis) / Linguistics: 5 / Ancient Languages 3 / Occult: 5 (Technomagic) / Politics: 4 (Prestetation) / Science: 3 (computers) / Rituals: 5 (Technomagic) / Enigmas: 4 / Memory: 2 / Strategy: 3 / Mage Lore: 2 / Werewolf Lore 3 / Changling Lore 1
Auspex: 5 / Celerity: 4 / Dominate: 5 / Fortitude: 5 /Obfuscate: 3 / Potence: 3 / Presence: 4 / Thaumaturgy 5
Paths: Technomancy (Primary) 5 / Blood 5 / Flames 5 / Levenbolt 5 / Conjuring 3 / Movement of the Mind / Warding 2
Discipline Techniques: a handful (3-5, as yet undefined)
Backgrounds: Allies 6 (Tremere, Tremere Archons, and Archons of other Justicars) / Contacts 5 (Security, Underworld, and tips from Kindred scattered around Europe hoping to pay off boons) / Generation 4 / Herd 5 (available in Athens, Rome and Lyons) / Influence 3 (Security industry) / Mentor 4 (Tremere Lord of South-eastern France) / Resources 5 / Retainers 5 (thugs and aides) / Status 4 (Primogen step lightly around him) / Camarilla Status 2 (Ancilla) / Library 4 / Military Force 3
Conscience 4, Self Control 4, Courage 4, Humanity 4, Willpower 9, Blood Pool 14
Merits: Well Traveled, Reputation.