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Bestiary ~&~ Liber Monstrorum ~&~ MONSTRI VOLUMEN ~&~ World of Darkness -- Pax Romana ~&~ Nidavellir

Introduction: The Dokkalfar are quintessential members of the Court of Winter, yet it is their alluring presence that makes them so compelling. The dark elves are the ultimate manipulators, controlling the actions of others from the shadows. While their reputation for subtlety is well earned, many find the Dokkalfar so charismatic and compelling that they willingly parlay with them—regardless of the consequences. Though the port city of Nma Ennore stands as a testament to their thriving culture, the relentless war against the Courts has put a great strain upon the Dokkalfar.


As a race the Dokkalfar are a Matriarchy, ruled by women who run the various Houses within their world of Nidavellir. While the males within the society are never in a true position of rulership they are often still powerful members of any house. To the Dokkalfar magic is part of breathing, and their withdrawal from the world of man has seen them become more militaristic and uncaring about the universe outside of their caverns. Peerless craftswomen and men, the creation of beautiful clothing, Treasures, and implements of war are distinct and of high grade.


The Dokkalfar are on the whole a dark skinned race, tending towards black, brown, and even blue tinged skin. Eyes vary from the predominant red, to varying shades of blue, purple, and emerald green. Dokkalfar are slight bodied, though known to be extremely wiry and strong. Men vary between 5' to 5' 10" in height. Females vary between 4' 5" inches to a towering 5' 5".

Family structure

While females bear children, most of the raising is done by the men. Males do the majority of cooking, cleaning, and drudgery. Females are raised to be studious, learning early the intricacies of diplomacy and personal warfare. The Matron of any family rules all, with a shifting coterie of daughters doing her bidding depending on favor and aptitude. While the girls are doted on as future leaders, men are treated like prized puppies, cute, but inclined to drool and make messes. Male children are trained in war and construction, most not being able to read until they have reached their second decade. Girls are taught to read early. There is much time spent teaching the higher arts, magic, strategy, crafting, and diplomacy.
While males are used for breeding, and Dokkalfar women often keep their preferred men around to care for children conceived, many Matrons take on female consorts for sex and companionship. While this might seem to foster a sense of homosexuality being condoned, such behavior by men is strictly forbidden. Males who are found with other men in coitus are often beaten to death.