Curse Candle

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Level 3.

On a Friday night, a magician creates a black candle incorporating the brains and bones of a dead man, nine pinches of cemetery dirt, pepper, the leaves of an itching plant and other herbs. By burning the candle for 20 minutes each night while concentrating on the victim, the magician plagues the victim with poltergeist-like activity such as thrown objects or furniture that moves to trip him. this only happens when no one else is looking. Other people will soon think that the victim is crazy, clumsy or both. Most of the time, the curse is merely a nuisance. If the ghostly force shoves the victim while he walks down a steep flight of stairs, though, or throws something while the victim drives a car, the victim might be seriously injured.

System: The Curse Candle itself does not require any expenditure of vitae to create, but each 20 minutes of use costs the magician one blood point. A single success will set the poltergeist against the victim for 24 hours. The magician must be within (Willpower x 10) miles of the victim. The poltergeist has a strength of 2 and a dice pool of 4 for its pranks and attacks. It will try to cause serious harm at least once every night that it harasses the victim, using whatever props it finds on hand. the candle is large enough to burn for a number of 20-minute periods equal to the caster's successes on his casting roll.