Cult of Taweret

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Followers of Set

The Cult of Typhon Trismegistus is one of the varying interpretations of Set among the Followers of Set supported by the Path of Typhon. The cult was – and is – among the chief founders of current Setite orthodoxy.


The tales of Typhon Trismegistus interpret Set as Typhon, the serpent dragon born from Gaia and Tartarus to lay siege to Olympus and strike down the gods. As the greeks already assigned many Egyptian deities to gods from their own pantheon in order to explain the similarities between them, many of the fresh embraced Setites had no problems accepting Set as their father, only calling him by another name. The Cult of Typhon began in Alexandria and later spread through the Roman Empire. After the destruction of the Alexandria temple during the reign of the Mamelukes, the Cave of Apples in Naples became the cult's Founding Temple. Although the cult steadily declined in western Europe after the fall of the West Roman Empire, it enjoyed a brisk revival in the Renaissance. The Cult of Typhon Trismegistus still dominates Setite affairs in Europe.


The actual cult is split into three "false" cults that serve to attract followers. These cults are dedicated to Bacchus (for his revelries and insights during his frenzies), Mars (recalling Set's original role as a warrior and hunter) and Pluto (as the lord of the dead). Eventually, promising initiates learn that all three gods represent aspects of Typhon, the true object of their worship. Only acolytes who show faultless devotion and fully imbibe the Typhonist doctrines of debauchery learn that Typhon himself is but another mask and receive the more spiritual doctrines of gnosis and overcoming desire. Many Typhonist Setites never quite grasp that secret doctrine, and so remain mere tempters and hedonists.