Conjure Demon

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Koldunism Level 5

This ritual follows upon the principles of Conjure Spirit, though with greater rewards for success and peril for failure. A proper casting allows an offering of blood to summon a mighty demon of the Old Country. Such a being never shows fear, and perhaps need never show fear, for its powers usually exceed the koldun's by far. Still, demons called in this fashion remember the koldun who came before and humbled them with mighty curses and enchantments. Out of memory of those ancient pacts and fear that those pacts might one night find renewal, demons treat koldun with respect as equals. Such beings brook no disrespect in turn, however, so incautious koldun risk destruction for careless words. A 'koldun may request a favor from a demon and offer a favor in turn. Many times, demons perform a task in exchange for unspecified payment at a later date. It is not unknown for a demon to wait centuries to call a payment due, though not all are so patient.

System: Success summons a demon as described. Demons summoned in this manner have whatever impressive statistics the Storyteller feels appropriate.