Clotho’s Gift

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Temporis 5

Description: With this power, a vampire momentarily accelerates time through himself. In this brief instant, he moves with the preternatural speed of Celerity. Unlike that Discipline, however, the time dilation of Clotho’s Gift permits any type of action. A vampire may still move or strike faster than the eye can see, but also may think, plan and even invoke other Disciplines that require full concentration. Only the last presents a danger, as it overtaxes the vampire’s unliving stasis.

System: The player spends 3 blood points (which may exceed the vampire’s normal generational limit) and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 7). For a number of turns equal to half the vampire’s Temporis rating, rounded up, the character may take a number of extra actions at her full dice pool equal to the number of successes rolled. These actions follow the timing rules associated with Celerity but may be used to take any action. Characters may not take multiple actions until the power runs its course. A vampire may use the actions granted by Clotho’s Gift to activate Disciplines multiple times, even Disciplines that cannot be used more than once in a turn (such as Dominate or Thaumaturgy). For every action spent activating a Discipline, the vampire suffers one level of unsoakable lethal damage. Only one important exception exists: Any Discipline that would grant the vampire extra actions, including Celerity or subsequent uses of Clotho’s Gift, causes the same damage but does not function at all.