Close the Ways

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Infernal Sorcery

The infernalist who calls on this ritual does not do so lightly, for it is much more difficlut to undo the curse than to call it down on an enemy. While this curse does not necesssarily kill, it does deluge the subject with a tide of terrible fortune. It is generally only invoked in the weeks leading up to a War Party or crusade, and it is conducted during one of the Sabbat's auctorias ritae such as the Festivo dello Estinto or Palla Grande. The caster extinguishes 14 flames with his bare hands, naming his intended victim with every flame doused.
System: A successfully cast ritual brings untold bad luck to the victim. Success causes an automatic botch to the victim's rolls for a specified period of time. Treat this botch as a "ghost" 1 on all die rolls, as if the victim always had an additional 1 turn up. Thus, if the subject rolled no successes but no 1s, he would still botch, as the "ghost" 1 turned his failure into a botch. Likewise, if the victim's rolls garner any successes, subtract one fro the "ghost" 1. The caster must sacrifice two points of permanent Willpower when enacting this ritual, to stave off the Rotschreck of the flames and to bring the curse down on her victim's head. The curse may be broken only by the thaumaturge invoking it, and to do so she must cut off herown left hand and spend two more points of permanent Willpower.

1 success: 1 night
2 successes: 1 week
3 successes: 1 month
4 successes: 1 year
5 successes: 10 years