Clairvoyance - PN

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Psychic Numina

A clairvoyant has the ability to cast his senses away, allowing him to perceive people, places or things at great distances. Though, technically Clairvoyance refers specifically to remote sight, some psychics can also cast forth their hearing or other senses as well. Unlike astral projection, the clairsentient does not separate his consciousness from his body; he remains aware of what's going on around him (though this can be very confusing if the psychic tries to concentrate upon two locations at once). Similarly, the clairvoyant does not travel through the intervening space he simply perceives whatever happens at the target site as if he stood there.

The degree of familiarity the psychic has with the target may raise or lower the difficulty (by plus or minus one or two). Once the clairvoyant "locks on" to a target, he can then "pan" his view around, allowing him to see just about anything in the immediate area. The limits of their perceptions are the immediate area in question. If the character wishes to see beyond that area, he must refocus, and the player must make a new roll. For example, a character looking into a room in another house could see anything in that room. However, to switch perceptions into the hall outside would require a second roll. The clairvoyant cannot perceive anything he could not perceive with his normal senses. Thus, if the target area is completely darkened, remote sight does no good.

Roll: Perception + Awareness (difficulty 8)

-- The psychic can see things, though the images are hazy and dreamlike. The character can extend his senses into just the immediate area, approximately a mile from his body.
●● -- The psychic can see clearly through remote sight and can faintly hear. The range of perception is now anywhere in the immediate five to 10 miles, depending on the number of successes (1 success = 5 miles, 2 successes = 6 miles, etc).
●●● -- The character can see and hear clearly at a distance. He can also "touch" things at the remote side, though his sense of touch is vague, as if he were wearing heavy gloves. (He cannot move things, naturally). The character's range expands to 10 miles per success rolled.
●●●● -- The character can clearly see, hear and touch at range. Additionally, he can detect strong odors. The range is 100 miles per success.
●●●●● -- The character can use all five senses clearly and can perceive things up to 1000 miles away per success rolled.