Cirillo Giovanni's Statistics

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Cirillo Giovanni

Director / Sociopath
7th Generation Giovanni (raised from 8th via diablerie).
Embraced in 1744 by Gillespi Giovanni.
Born 1620, Ghoul from 1651 to 1744.

Attributes: Str 6, Dex 4, Sta 5 / Cha 3, Man 6, App 3 / Per 6, Int 5, Wits 4

Talents: Alertness 5 (Ambushes, Subtle movements), Athletics 5, Brawl 5 (body-slam, punch), Dodge 5, Empathy 3, Expression 4, Intimidation 6, Leadership 5, Streetwise 6 (smuggling, artifacts), Subterfuge 5
Skills: Animal Ken 3, Crafts 4, Drive 1, Etiquette 5 (haggling), Firearms 5 (shotguns, Pistols, Sniper Rifles), Melee 5 (sap), Performance 4, Security 5, Stealth 4, Survival 3
Knowledges: Academics 4, Computers 1, Finance 6 (underworld), Investigation 4, Law 4, Linguistics 4, Medicine 3, Occult 5, Politics 5, Science 3, Glasgow Lore 5, Glasgow Secrets 3, Giovanni Lore 5, Brujah Lore 3, Ventrue Lore 2, Camarilla Lore 3, Sabbat Lore 2.

Disciplines: Dominate 6, Potence 6, Necromancy 5, Fortitude 5, Celerity 5, Auspex 4, Obfuscate 5, Quietus 4.
Discipline Techniques: Necromantic Paths: Ash Path 5, The Cenotaph Path 2, Nigrimancy 5, Sephulcre Path 4, Path of the Corpse 3.
Advanced Disciplines: Dominate: Iron Facade, Guardian Vigil, Retain the Quick Blood.

Backgrounds: Allies: 5 (black marketeers, Necromancers), Contacts 5, Domain 7 (Security 4, Population 3), Generation 6, Herd 5 (captives, corpses), Influence (5 - Morgues in Glasgow, 3 - Glasgow Medicine, 2 - Glasgow Police, 1 - Scottish National Police, 2 - Scottish Government, 4 - Scottish underworld), Military Force 5 (family soldiers), Resources 6 (combined Giovanni resources in Glasgow), Retainers 5, Status 4 (elder). Giovanni Status 4 (prospective Anziani).

Virtues: Self Control 3, Conscience 2, Courage 3, Humanity 3. Willpower 10.