Cedrique Puljarik

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Paris -P- The History of the Ventrue in Paris -P- Ventrue

Sobriquet: Cedi

Appearance: Cédrique is a woman just below medium height, with beautiful but cold features: Her face is pale, and her hazel eyes would be charming if some kind detachment was not easily seen behind her smile. She wears, most of the time a strict Channel tailleur, and her shoulder-lenght hair tied in a conservative fashion, as befits her Clan.

Behavior: Cédrique can be very friendly (albeit a cold friend) when she is in the right mood. But she have sometimes thoughts so cruel even her deviant friend, Vivien, pauses when looking at her face. she visibly have some psychological problems, which were, at first explained by her sire as the results of her torture at the hand of the Gestapo (it helped a great deal the Clan when the Toreador investigated the Clan Ventrue!), but that are now simply ignored: Most Elders don't care or see it as a weakness, and most Neonates are just not bold enough to mention them publicly or directly to Cédrique's cold face.

The problem is that Cédrique was greatly wounded, and her answer (large scale vengeance) to her torture didn't help her healing up neatly, and let some psychological scar that affect even her Beast. To resist her tormentors, Cédrique fantasized she didn't feel pain at first, and that she wanted, loved it in the end. Now she loves to inflict pain (which she explains why she loves Vivien's novels), and despite what she would want to believe (or want to rationnalize), she loves to feel pain, which can lead her to delicate situation, because of dangerous confrontations she provoked herself...

History: Ingrid was born from a rather ignored (but prestigious in its time) noble family who had moved to Prussia in the 1789 Revolution. The family grew bitter with France, and served Prussia allheartedly, most of its male members serving (and often dying) in the prussian army. It was very proud to have been among the victors of the 1870 war, and grew even more bitter at the Diktat of Versailles after the defeat of 1918.

Thus, Ingrid entered into the german military intelligence service, and soon, her intelligence and talents of Manipulation made her the perfect infiltrator candidate for a delicate mission: Hitler's uses for the Gestapo was bothering slightly (to remain polite) the conventionnal military intelligence service, and they needed someone in the place to tell them what was going on in the Gestapo.

After the Germany took over France, Ingrid, because of her knowledge of french, was sent to work at the Gestapo headquarters in Paris to translate documents... Whose copies were given to the military Intelligence Service. But as good as Ingrid was, she found someone better. She was discovered as a spy, and interrogated.

At the time, the french Ventrue were playing a dangerous game indeed: They wanted the control of France, and they saw the invasion of Germany as a good thing, but also Gustav, who had orchestrated the fall of France as a vengeance against Villon was known to be quite stubborn. So they were at the same time undermining the efforts of the Resistance, as well as the German invaders, all the while appearing to help each side within certain polite limits. At that time, Abdslam had some economic contacts with german officiers who were wondering at the future of the IIIrd Reich, and who were thinking about preparing a future of their own. In exchange of money, and contacts in some south american countries, Abdslam had access to some facilities, and protected the Clan and its ressources against possible german mistreatment. And at that precise time, he though the Clan would greatly beneficiate from his deal.

Ingrid was of noble origins, and while her family betrayed France, it had joined the Ventrue noblesse. And she had a great talent, and possibly a great future. When he heard about her treason, he took more information, and then used his contacts within the Gestapo to have her unharmed. The remainings of her life were bought with Resistants lifes. Not that anyone cared, though: Such is the world of the Kindred.

But Ingrid's mind and body were broken by her mistreatment in the Gestapo's fabled interrogators hands, and for some time, Abdslam had second thoughts about his deal. He was sincerly thinking (too loud?) about vengeance for an unlawful deal when she opened her eyes to tell him she would take revenge. As a ghoul, she organized the murders of the Gestapo's officiers, either by her own hands, or by arranging encounters with the Resistance. Of course, this vengeance lead to more and more deaths, as each side increased the deadliness of their attacks in retaliation of the former. But Ingrid, who had taken the Resistance name Cédrique, didn't care.

After the war, the Kindred purged their own: Childer had been sired more or less without authorization of the Prince, and Cainites were suspected of having helped Gustav. While mortals were shaved (and sometimes killed), the Kindred were most of the time killed (and sometimes exiled). Ingrid, now called cédrique, was not among them. She was accepted as a full Kindred of Paris, and full member of the Clan Ventrue.

Since that time, Cédrique had remained apparently inactive, using her talents to get the money she needed to have a good unlife. A full Coterie joined her, calling themselves the Eternal Shield. And, she was soon seen as its unofficial leader, thus pleasing her Clan. Since then, she remained an active member of the Cour, apparently waiting for the occasion to...

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Credit to the Author: https://augias.org/pbn/cedrique.htm