Caias Koine

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Clan Cappadocian -x- Story 29 - Bellum Horarium

Appearance: Caias appears to be an elderly man in his later years. His hair long ago turned white and he wears it long and unadorned save to tie it back with a leather cord. He has a long beard that hangs down to his chest and adorns upper lip. His eyes were probably very dark in life, but the embrace has lightened them to the color of dark honey. Likewise, his skin must have been very dark in life and lightened after the embrace, for now his skin a sickly yellow that one associates with jaundice and is very wrinkled. Over all, he looks like an elderly laborer with rough callused hands and he is muscular in rangy kind of way, without an ounce of extra fat on his spare frame. Like all Cappadocians, his lips are pale blue, as are the nail beds of his finger tips, the sclera (whites) of his eyes and the veins and capillaries closest to the surface of his skin. He is cold to the touch and no amount of feeding can warm his body. Though he doesn't have a noticeably unpleasant body odor, beasts and men tend to shy from touching things he owns or has touched. Surprisingly, he has most of his teeth and they are straight, more or less. In general, he wears functional and nondescript clothing from whatever region he is traveling through and carries few personal possessions, save for an ivory walking staff.
Background: Caias has been deliberately vague about his past or his age and he has an annoying skill at evading any question that vexes him. He was first encountered in the entourage of the Empress Julia Domna, in which he effected the persona of an elderly, but impoverished scholar of note. While aboard the Imperial flagship 'Fascinus', a quinquereme, Caias spent much of his time in the company of Boudicca and Brutus.