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Dice Pool: Stamina + Survival
Cost: Expend 1 Divinity
Description: With but a thought and the expenditure of a her divine essence the Avatar with the Dominion of Frost can draw all the heat in the nearby area into himself and lowing the ambient temperature by a significant degree, snuffing all nearby fires and sometimes freezing free standing water or turning rain or steam to snow or frost. When this power is in effect the Avatar character's eyes glow a neon-blue regardless of their normal color and this effect is impossible to hide short of magic.

Inside buildings or outside in the open, this power can effect an area of ten cubic feet per success, cumulative. Damage from this effect is bashing, as hypothermia the recovery time is variable based upon circumstances and individual stamina. No being without the Dominions of Frost or Fire can take less than one level of bashing damage from this power. The power remains in effect for a scene, but the results of the power including damage wear off naturally unless supernatural means are taken to combat it.