Bruno Künnic to Ilias Chakhchakh ibn Sa'id al Anfa al Hakaam

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Missives: In-Game

Delivery: Bonded Courier.
Dated: September 9th, 2016
Document Type: Hand written Arabic calligraphy on triple bond stationary.
From: Bruno Künnic of the Lasombra Antitribu.
To: His Eminence, Grand Vizier Ilias Chakhchakh ibn Sa'id al Anfa al Hakaam of Anfa and Casablanca.

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Your Eminence,

It is my deepest hope that all is well with you and yours in Casablanca. I have recently taken residence in Istanbul, Turkey. I would very much like to ask of you a small boon, I would like it to be known that I am currently in Anfa and should anyone ask after me, that you keep up the pretense of my presence in Casablanca for the next season. In return of course, I would be in your debt and at your disposal.

Humbly Yours, Bruno Künnic - Esquire