Bridget Mac Amhlaidh's Statistics

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Bridget Mac Amhlaidh

10th Generation Gangrel, Embraced in 1985 by Robert the Lowlander.

Attributes Str 3, Dex 4, Sta 4 / Cha 3, Man 2, App 2 / Per 4, Int 2, Wits 3.

Talents: Alertness 3 (tails), Athletics 4 (running), Brawl 4 (claws), Dodge 3 (leap), Empathy 3, Expression 3, Intimidation 2, Leadership 1, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3
Skills: Animal Ken 4, Crafts 2 (booby-traps), Drive 3 (Motorcycle), Etiquette 2 (elysium), Firearms 2 (called shots), Melee 1, Performance 2, Security 3 (picking locks), Stealth 3 (blending with crowds), Survival 4
Knowledges: Academics 1, Computers 2, Finance 1, Investigation 3, Law 1, Linguistics 2, Medicine 1, Occult 3, Politics 1, Science 1, Glasgow Lore 3, Glasgow Secrets 2, Gangrel Lore 2, Camarilla Lore 1, Anarch Lore 2.

Disciplines: Protean 4, Animalism 3, Fortitude 4, Auspex 2, Obfuscate 2, Celerity 1, Potence 1, Presence 1.
Discipline Techniques: Guardian Vigil

Backgrounds: Allies: 2, Contacts 3 (Scottish Bikers, Gangrel), Domain 1 (Private haven near the south of edge of Glasgow), Generation 3, Herd 2 (bikers), Influence (1 - Biker Gangs), Military Force 1 (Bikers), Resources 1, Retainers 2, Status 0 (neonate), Glasgow Status 1 - (She is afforded greater respect in Glasgow because she speaks for the Scourge), Gangrel Status 1.

Virtues: Self Control 4, Conscience 3, Courage 5, Humanity 6, Willpower 7.