Brehon's Eye

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Brehon's Eye

Dice Pool: Perception + Empathy

Cost: 1 Legend

To understand the demands of enech upon the Scion, she must first understand its demands on those around her. With this power, the Scion assumes a canny and wise attitude, watching carefully and allowing those insights to influence her judgment. The information that comes with this power was of old called enechsenchas, or “enech lore,” and is often used in later Boons in this Purview.

Once this power is activated, the Scion rolls (Perception + Empathy), adding in any successes from Epic Perception. For each success, he can judge the enech of one individual present, beginning with those with the highest Legend. Reading someone’s enech grants the Scion knowledge of what his highest Virtue is, what his lowest Virtue is and what his Nature is. This can only be activated once per scene.