Blood Sweats

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In rare cases, a vampire may become so nervous and agitated that his state of mind affects his body. Much as a mortal may exhibit jumpiness and cold sweats, the vampire can become likewise ill at ease. The "sweat" in the case of vampires, however, is composed of blood that works its way to the Cainite's skin. Many other vampires find this particularly disturbing, as the sweat stains clothes and makes the vampire in question a horrid sight to look upon. Obviously, this causes a few uncomfortable situations in which mortals are involved as well.

A vamprie with blood sweats excretes and additional blood point worth of vitae over the course of every night he rises from slumber. This blood is almost always very obvious, though by judiciously wiping his brow and changing clothes, he may briefly appear "normal" before displaying beads of collected blood-sweat again. Additionally, the character should act twitchy and unnerved.