Black Wind

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Kuei-jin Disciplines


Allowing the rage of the P'o to channel itself through her body, the Kuei-jin becomes inhumanly swift ― a typhoon of destruction. Essentially, Black Wind is a focused ― or not so focused ― frenzy. While in the Black Wind state, the character gains powers similar to prolonged use of Demon Chi, but because the character is in a continuous demonic fury, she gains demonic energy as fast as she uses it. This Discipline is a common one among more warlike Kuei-jin, who use it to become whirling blurs of carnage.

Official Abilities

Included below are the official powers described in the Kindred of the East Rulebook and the Kindred of the East Companion. Sources are described below in the order they were printed.

System - ●○○○○ - ●●●●●

This power costs the Kuei-jin one point of Demon Chi per turn of use. For each dot in the power, the vampire may take an extra action (as with Celerity), arithmetically increase running speed or add one automatic success to a Brawl or Melee damage Dice Pool. Each turn, the vampire may reassign dots. So, a vampire with Black Wind 4 may choose to take two extra actions, run at double speed, and add one success to all Brawl damage Dice Pools. The next turn, he may choose to take four extra actions and add no dice to damage. Extra actions gained by Black Wind occur after all other characters have taken their actions for the turn.

While using Black Wind, the vampire may not use any other Discipline except Demon Shintai, although he may maintain previously activated powers. Moreover, each turn the power is used, the vampire must roll P’o ( difficulty 8 ); if he fails this roll, he enters fire soul. A frenzied vampire suffers no wound penalties, but may not use firearms or any other missile weapons; he instead prefers to shred foes face to face ― of course, such is the intent of most who used Black Wind. The problem lies in the fact that a vampire using this power just as readily attacks allies as enemies. Black Wind, like all Demon Arts, is a violent Discipline. While accessing Black Wind, a character must use it to perform deeds suitable to the P’o’s dominance. Thus, a character could use Black Wind to attack or move with superhuman swiftness, but not to play a guitar at superhuman speed.

Advanced Powers

●●●●● ●● A Thousand Cuts: The Kuei-jin strikes so fast that his victim generally has no time to react.

●●●●● ●● Treading The Tide Dragon's Back: The Kuei-jin can run across water surfaces.

●●●●● ●●● Divine Whirlwind: The Kuei-jin can strike in an instant, allowing him to hit his target multiple times before it can even respond

●●●●● ●●●● Transcending The P'o: By using Yin chi, the Kuei-jin can calm his P'o, allowing him to rarefy his usage of the Black Wind
