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There is a big difference between an inorganic machine and an organic one. You know how to straddle the line between them -- Ho to design, implant, modify and employ cybernetics, cloning, bimechanisms, nanotech, genegineering and floronics. Naturally, these Progenitor mainstays demand other Traits (mostly Sciences) before you can understand them. Still, you've got a leg up on most Technocrats and technicians, who regard the body and the machine as separate entities.

●○○○○ Novice: You've watched biotech being installed and employed, and you understand the theories involved.
●●○○○ Practiced: You have a bit of hands-on practice with design and installation of basic biotech devices and Procedures.
●●●○○ Competent: A typical Progenitor, you know the concepts, mechanisms and limits of existing Technocracy biotech.
●●●●○ Expert: At you levle of expertise, new designs and drastic modifications are possible.
●●●●● Master: A biotech master, you may design, install, alter or employe almost anything you can imagine (subject to sphere limits of course).

Possessed by: Genegineers, Cyborgs, Cybernetic Repair techs, Q Division Frankenstinians, Bio Mechanics.

Specialties: Cloning, Cybernetics, Repair, Floronics, Genengineering, Nanotech, Biomechanisms, Radical Modification