Beast's Reflection

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Supernatural Merits & Flaws

2 Point Flaw

Your inner Beast is particularly ferocious and persistent. It is, in fact, so adamant in its desire to overtake you that it impresses itself upon your outward appearance whenever you call upon the power of your unliving blood. Whenever you spend a blood point, you take on a savage, uncouth appearance (your eyes gain feral yellow or baleful red highlights, you seem to stand a bit taller, with a menacing posture, and your features take on a predatory cast, for example) that gives others pause for a number of turns equal to 10 minus your Road rating. During this time, you are at +2 difficulty to all social interactions with kine and Cainites (save for followers of the Road of the Beast) that do not directly involve causing fear. You are, however, at a -1 difficulty for intimidation-related rolls against mortals for an equal duration. Expenditures of multiple blood points create a cumulative duration for this effect. No Cainite with an Appearance score of zero may take this Flaw (for they already wear their monstrousness upon their faces), though Cappadocians may (adding the modifier from this Flaw to their own clan weakness modifier after expending blood). At the Storyteller's discretion, some individuals (such as the particularly belligerent, impulsive, devout or knowledgeable in matters of t occult), sensing the monster within you, may have a more drastic reaction to this limited revelation of the truth of what you are than simple fear.